viernes, 27 de marzo de 2015

New Novel, That Girl Started Her Own Country Features Hollywood Hactivist, Christopher Chaney

Las Vegas, NV (PRWEB) December 19, 2012

Critically acclaimed novel, That Girl Started Her Own Country by the Holy Ghost Writer has been garnering media attention since one of its true-life characters, 35-year old Christopher Chaney, who according to FoxNews, was arrested and sentenced to what could have been up to 60 years in federal prison.

Excerpt from the novel, That Girl Started Her Own Country:

“Too many members of Anonymous have been arrested recently;” Jayson Freelander told Steven Larson, “so we need to lie low while we assess damages and await the blowback.”

“Who else besides Icelander has been caught?”

“We have uncovered ‘Operation Hackerazzi’ where the FBI has identified Christopher Chaney, a member of our Florida cell. His hobby is hacking into the electronic lives of celebrities such as Scarlett Johansson, Mila Kunis and Christina Aguilera. It is only a matter of time before he will be arrested. We told him to quit his hobby. His comeback, ‘The firewall between my Anonymous work and my hackerazzi fun cannot be penetrated.’”

“How did they catch onto his celeb stuff?” Larson asked.

“He hacked Apple, Google and Yahoo email accounts then hijacked the forwarding features so that copies of all emails received by the stars were simultaneously copied to his own secret account. He was sloppy and doesn’t seem to care that he will be arrested since he keeps posting their emails on blogs while he knows of the FBI operation watching him.”

“Could he be extending his hackerazzism to throw them off his other activities and away from us?”

“That is what he claims.”

“Should I continue to work here,” Steven Larson asked.

“You can if you wish. It would be best to error on the side of caution. Our counter-intelligencia noticed some unusual surveillance of this building. I would suggest you wear a disguise and don’t allow yourself to be followed too far after you leave. Three men from our cell in Almeria, Spain were just arrested.”

“How were they discovered?”

“Last October they overwhelmed the Spanish Ministry of Culture’s web server with LOIC denial-of-service attacks in order to protest pending legislation that would have increased punishment for illegal downloads. Fortunately, Lulz Security tried to take credit for it, but the investigation led to our own Anonymous.”

Larson inquired, “How so, if someone else tried to take credit?”

“Because our coordinated attacks on Spanish banks and governments’ sites in Spain, Egypt, Algeria, Chile, Colombia, Libya, Iran and New Zealand caused deeper investigations.”

“That must have gotten some of those governments working together.”

“Our latest attack brought down the server of the Spanish National Electoral Commission.”

Larson decided to pack and leave on that revelation. He donned a cap that had a hair extension giving him a hippyish look and wrapped a scarf around his neck covering up to the bottom of his chin. As soon as darkness fell over London, he slipped out onto the street and walked one hour before he was sure he wasn’t being followed. He took his planned circuitous trail to his secret Swedish lair, the historic Knight’s Poem in Stone.

End of quote from chapter 15 of That Girl Started Her Own Country.

Available on Amazon in ebook and in paperback through online retail distributors such as Barnes and Noble. Kirkus Reviews, the prominent literary review organization that has been providing continuous critical, descriptive, and concise reviews of books said the latest mystery, That Girl Started Her Own Country, by Holy Ghost Writer dazzles with a tale of computer hacking, legal wrangling and kung-fu fighting. Read the full Kirkus Review.

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