jueves, 26 de marzo de 2015

What Has Philosophy Got to Do With Wrinkles and Skin Care?

If you were a philosopher you could possibly come up with an interesting reply.

But in this case the answer is much simpler. It refers to the Website of an important Skincare Products Manufacturer who chose to dedicate one complete Page to presenting their Philosophy, or Main Aim, Program, Strategy, whatever.

In this page they declare they decided to establish themselves as outstanding in Research and Development. They set out to create the best skin care products in the world without any harmful side effects. Quite an ambitious program. In the process they managed also to put on the market the most efficient and cost effective skin care products.

While the intentions may be commendable, the results can be judged only by experience and by comparison. But it is instructive to go through explanations, data, certificates and testimonials.

Although I like to be informed, I think that there is no point for lay people in trying to understand and to memorize long lists of names of active substances and to learn on their favorable functions on human skin. Actually the explanations are meant to be meaningful only to chemists or to dermatologists.

I prefer, if possible, to sidestep the scientific hindrance, by concentrating on what is really important to people at large: that is to find effective solutions to real concerns relative to their skin and to their health.

I think that having found a Company one can trust is more helpful than to be engulfed in useless topics which risk to be unclear, incomprehensible and maybe also debatable.

There are ways to build trust and confidence in a commercial enterprise even without understanding exactly the science and the technology behind their innovations.

By reading with attention between the lines one can feel the care for details and the urgency to supply complete answers to inquirers even before they ask.

Would you believe they actually tested the products of all renowned brands? That was needed to establish the data as baseline, to find out how could they possibly be improved upon.

One of their important objectives was to keep out of their products harmful chemicals of any kind. They succeeded in their program to the point they affirm that their products can safely be eaten without fear.

The Company worked on the favorable substances, on their purity and on the content of active ingredients in their final products.

The results are there for everyone to see, and it is not hard to check if the assertion of the Company can be believed in order to decide if one can trust that Company.

Whoever has an interest in knowing the details more deeply, to be convinced that his/her own precious skin can be safely entrusted to the Company’s products, is welcome to explore the thorough information presented in their site.

Interested readers are urged to seek the data in my page available at the end of the short Author’s Bio.

E. Levi is a retired engineer with many interests. He chose to study also the field of health and well being as a subject likely to be of interest to a large audience. Instead of digging deep and going lost into the many details of pertinent research he prefers to look at the big picture and to extract useful information readily usable by non experts who look for advice. Read more on the subject of this article in his Website page on Skin Care.

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The post What Has Philosophy Got to Do With Wrinkles and Skin Care? appeared first on Health with Beauty.

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