jueves, 21 de mayo de 2015

Eating Right to Keep the Teeth Healthy

Proper oral hygiene is not enough to keep the teeth healthy. Regular brushing and flossing may keep the teeth clean, but they cannot prevent dental issues caused by wrong food choices. There are specific types of food that contain nutrients essential to the growth and development of the teeth. Not including these items in your diet can be costly.


A balanced diet keeps the teeth and gums in excellent health. Both dental structures need to work together for good oral cavity function and appearance. Dentists in cities like Las Vegas recommend eating the three basic food groups during every meal.  


Eat calcium-rich food. This element helps fortify the teeth. Examples of food that have high calcium content include milk, shellfish, and green leafy vegetables. Adequate calcium intake remineralizes the teeth to boost enamel performance. It also maintains the density of the dental structures, which allows them to withstand strong chewing forces and other types of impact.


The teeth’s density and strength are useless if the connecting bone structure underneath is weak. Thus, a family dentist Las Vegas households and families elsewhere prefer prescribe foods rich in phosphorous to aid jaw bone growth and development. These include meat, poultry, cheese, dried peas, beans, and nuts. Studies show that phosphorus strengthens the teeth and improves their appearance.


The right diet for dental health has as much to do with avoiding unhealthy food as it does with picking proper ones. As a general rule, junk food is bad for the health. The teeth are only some parts of the body that are damaged with excessive intake of sweets, chips, and other low-nutrient food items. Any family dentist Las Vegas or another city can offer also suggests banning pigmented and acidic drinks from your diet.


Avoid food items that have tough consistencies, especially when you are wearing dentures or other restorative appliances. They can destroy implants or crowns and can cause additional gum and bone damage. Any implant dentist Las Vegas or another city has claims that to keep artificial teeth as functional as real ones, they must be kept away from corrosive substances and forces.

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